Canadian Dental Benefit | Grant For Dentures

Northern Lights Denture Clinic accepts CDCP coverage. Canada recognizes the significance of your oral health and overall well-being, and yet dental care remains unaffordable for many Canadians, until now.

Cost Barrier | Approximately one-third of Canadian citizens lack dental insurance. In 2022, one in four Canadians reported avoiding dental visits due to cost concerns. The absence of coverage can lead to untreated oral health issues, and clogging our emergency rooms.

Health Implications | Poor oral health is not just about teeth; bacteria from our mouths can travel in the bloodstream and  impact our entire body. Neglected oral health may contribute to respiratory disease, diabetes complications, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, pregnancy complications, life-threatening infections, increased mortality from all causes, mental health issues, reduced quality of life, school and employment challenges, social stigma, nutritional issues, isolation, and more.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) helps ease financial barriers by providing access to eligible Canadian residents who have an adjusted annual family net income of less than $90,000 and do not have access to dental insurance. Contact the CRA for more information.

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